Jura Artwork creates custom-made freestyles for all levels.
Since 2005 I have been making freestyles up to Grand Prix level. I find it important that a freestyle tells a story, with a tension build-up and build-down and accentuations. The freestyle must therefore be ridden precisely because every transition or exercise is accentuated, but in my opinion this is what makes riding a freestyle so much fun. I try to further distinguish myself by offering a lot of service, a lot of consultation and being competitively priced.
Working Method
The first step is to make a trial, with which I can help if necessary and take into account the horse's strengths and weaknesses, favorite places of the exercises in the track, order of the gaits, etc. Then the trial will be filmed. Preferably the filming location is at C and the horse should be followed well with the camera, keeping it large in focus and as fluid as possible. It also works well if the horse is wearing white guards on the video, especially if filming in a dark arena. Timing will also be needed, the time of the trial must be correct. Timing is done from the beginning salute to the end salute. If everything is correct, the trial can be sent, preferably digitally, via wetransfer or upload on a site such as YouTube.
Then the music is selected. Maybe you've already found a favorite theme or maybe even specific songs, or leave the music selection to me. Either way, I look for appropriate music and consult if you agree. Then I make the music appropriate to the tempo of the horse's gaits, so the tempo of the music is almost always adjusted. Many horses do not have a constant pace and speed up or slow down in some exercises, in this case I keep an average pace or adjust it in some stretches. Each exercise and/or line is accentuated and a "story" of the test is made through, for example, quiet pieces in the music built up to highlights.
When the freestyle is finished I send the file (sound and/or video) digitally and you can watch and listen to it. If you are satisfied, the freestyle will be sent by mail or you can pick it up. You will receive 2 CDs and the music on a USB stick. The whole process of making the freestyle usually takes several weeks. For more information or to order a freestyle, please contact us.